Somewhere Project

While thinking of places I'd never been, I started thinking about movie locations and ended up deciding on Ryme City of the Detective Pikachu movie. Sadly, I couldn't find an image of Ryme City so I just had to use a generic city background. As for the Pokemon, I edited that myself the same way I combined different animals for the Hybrid project. I decided to go with Archen, a Pokemon from my favorite region, Unova. I started thinking about smaller and simpler Pokemon designs as well, so that I wouldn't be overhwelmed. Archen's design takes after both lizards and birds, so I used parts from different birds and lizards. Specifically I used an osprey's wings, a hornbill's body and claws, and the tail and mouth come from the komodo dragon. I used the Liquify tool to edit the face as well to make it more accurate to the Pokemon. I then used the Brush tool to color it, using colors straight from the reference image. I also tried to edit the lightness to refl...